Friday, November 30, 2012

Apply for Citizenship in the United States

US citizenship is considered to be the most valuable status bestowed by the United States. That is because the US citizens enjoy a lot of benefits and privileges. They are also entitled to the rights and the freedom which are guaranteed by America. Foreign-born nationals may become US citizens through a process called Naturalization. A foreign national may apply for citizenship to become an American citizen and this is the important and the final step towards their journey to America.

People who are born in the United States are US citizens through their birth in America. An immigrant who is a lawful permanent resident in the United States may become a US citizen through Naturalization, on meeting all the requirements needed to become a US citizen. Green Card holders or lawful permanent residents are provided with certain rights and privileges. But the Green Card holders will be entitled to various other benefits and rights as that of a native US citizen by becoming a Naturalized US citizen.

Why should you Apply for Citizenship in America?

On becoming a US citizen, you will automatically be entitled to a lot of citizenship benefits. The right which is considered to be the most important is the right to vote in the US federal elections and the other important benefit is that you will not be deported from the United States.

Steps Involved in Applying for Citizenship

In order to apply for citizenship in the United States, you must be a person who is over 18 years of age. You must also possess a valid Green Card or a permanent resident card. You must have possessed the Green Card for 5 consecutive years and more. Most of all, you must possess good moral character, people involving in criminal activities will not be allowed to become US citizens.

While applying for American citizenship, make sure that you are aware of the American law and history, because you must pass an English and a Civics test, which is a part of the naturalization process. Your continuous and permanent residence in the United States is a mandatory requirement to become an American citizen.

Filing the Application for Naturalization

On meeting all the eligibility requirements, you may apply for citizenship by filing Form N-400 with the USCIS. Answer all the questions on the form accurately and honestly. If you fail to miss out anything on the form or if you provide false information, your US citizenship application may be denied. Hence make sure that you provide true information about yourself. Moreover, at the citizenship interview, you will be asked questions about your application, and if there is discrepancy between your answers in the interview and the details on your form, you will be denied US citizenship.

To avoid such circumstances, it is good to provide all the true details about yourself on your application form. After filling the application, send it along with the required photographs and correct filing fee to the right Lockbox facility of the USCIS.

Once the USCIS receives your application, your application will be checked for accuracy and the processing of your form will begin. After your form is approved, the USCIS will send you a letter regarding the biometrics appointment, where your fingerprints will be taken.

You will then receive an appointment letter asking you to be present for an interview with a Consular Officer. You must take up the English and the Civics tests. Once you clear all these processes, you will be notified about the Naturalization ceremony where you will take the oath of Allegiance to America, to become a US citizen. Hence, a foreign national who wishes to become a US citizen, must apply for citizenship through Naturalization.

Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   How to Select a Good Immigration Attorney?   Finding The Right Immigration Attorney   Do We Allow Free-Speech In Another Country Of An Individual Applying for Citizenship Here?   

Getting a UK Tourist Visa for the London 2012 Olympics

A UK Tourist Visa (otherwise known as a UK Visit Visa) allows the holder to enter the UK in order to visit the UK for a number of purposes. If you're looking to attend the 2012 Olympics in the UK this summer and you require a UK Visa in order to gain entry, then a UK Tourist Visa will be the most likely route by which you can obtain a UK Visa.

UK Immigration Barristers services exist into order to help clients obtain a UK Tourist Visa and some have even adapted the name of the UK Tourist Visa to 2012 Olympic Visa in order to make the process of finding the right visa type a much simpler process. Therefore, it may be worthwhile looking into how this type of service could assist you.

In order to get a UK Tourist Visa, applicants must be eligible to apply. The following requirements need to be satisfied in order to apply for a UK Tourist Visa:

1. Applicants must plan to visit the UK for a maximum of six months and must leave once that six month period has expired.

2. Applicants will need to show that they have sufficient funds in order to support a stay in the UK without having to rely on the use of public funds.

3. Applicants must visit the UK with no intention to study and evidence will also need to be provided that you do not intend to charge members of the public for any services that have been provided.

Once in the UK the holder of a UK Tourist Visa allows the holder to remain in the UK for a period of two years, if granted for more than one entry to the UK. However, it is worth noting that you can only remain in the UK for up to six months at any given time.

The application process for getting a UK Tourist Visa for the 2012 Olympics began back in January 2012 and with high application numbers expected it is certainly worth getting started on an application now if you intend to come to Britain for the Olympic Games.

The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be the biggest sporting event ever to take place in the UK. An estimated four billion people are expected to tune in worldwide and around 14,000 athletes from 205 nations will be coming to take part.

Upon arrival in the UK, all your documentation will be checked, i.e. Passport and your UK Visa. This will often be carried out by means of a scanning system. UK border control aims to process all passengers within 45 minutes, but during peak times and particularly over the duration of the Olympic Games, people can expect increased waiting times.

What is important is that you make sure that you have done everything you can to ensure a smooth passage through UK Immigration control. Make sure you hold a valid Passport that is in date and be sure to have all your documentation to hand to speed up the process.

Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   How to Select a Good Immigration Attorney?   Finding The Right Immigration Attorney   Do We Allow Free-Speech In Another Country Of An Individual Applying for Citizenship Here?   In Plain English: What Did The United States Supreme Court Do In The Arizona Immigration Case?   

Weighing Your Options of Reducing Cost in a Slow Rising Economy With H-1B Employees on Staff

Even though the economy continues to shutter, and while it seems many employers are more confident in hiring, some are continuing to express concerns about their H-1B employees. Many of these employers are feeling the pressures of diminishing revenues combined with increasing overhead costs. Unfortunately, many employers are having to layoff employees in order to keep the business afloat until their industry recovers. While others are trying to keep a lower overhead, but holding on to those valued employees; specifically, after spending thousands of dollars training them.

Many employers are now asking, "can I reduce the hours of my H-1B employees in order to keep them on staff and be in compliance with the law?" Generally, yes, you can do this; however, the employer must first make a couple of changes in their filings with DOL and USCIS.

It is unlawful to change an H-1B employee from full-time to part-time status without continuing to pay that employee the agreed wage stated in the previously-filed and certified Labor Condition Application. Nevertheless, it is legal for an employer to make a change in the number of hours worked by an H-1B employee, after the proper filings have been done.

How is a full-time worker status defined with respect to H-1B employees? The U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL") views full-time employment to be approximately 40 hours per week, but in no case considerably less than 35 hours per week. Making things more difficult for H-1B employers, the DOL views any significant decrease by the employer of its normal weekly full-time hours to be a movement towards part-time H-1B employment.

What can an employer do if it wants to reduce its H-1B employee's hours? According to the DOL, the employer must file and receive a new certified Labor Condition Application showing the position being filled by the H-1B employee is now part-time employment (less than 35 hours). Even if the new Labor Condition Application is certified for a part-time position, the employer must still pay the H-1B employee for at least the number of hours stated upon the 1-129 petition the employer initially filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ("USCIS") - unless an amended 1-129 petition is also filed, stating the new employee's lowered number of work hours.

The employer does not have to wait for the amended petition to be approved by USClS, before reducing the work hours. Generally, as long as the amended petition has been filed, such changes can be implemented. With the rise of H-1B audits by DOL in the last two quarters of 2011, this process is taken very seriously by the DOL. The DOL will prosecute claims against an employer that has knowingly filed an LCA containing misrepresentations or that has failed to pay its H-1B nonimmigrant employee the stated wage. Also, the DOL's penalties can be significant to the employer. Initial and negligent violations may include a $1,000.00 fine per violation, as well as payment of back wages. But a willful violation can carry a penalty of up to $35,000.00 as well as other penalties, such as debarment from petitioning of other H-IB visa employees.

Due to the complicated issues involved and prospective exorbitant financial penalties, harsh consequences, and ever changing interpretations, an employer should pay careful attention to both DOL regulations and statutes when dealing with similar situations.

Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   How to Select a Good Immigration Attorney?   Finding The Right Immigration Attorney   

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Fee Exemption

An undocumented immigrant in the United States must file Form I-821D, Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, to request deferred action. Along with that Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization and Form I-765WS, Form I-765 Worksheet, must be filed.

A total filing fee of $465 must be paid and a fee waiver may be granted only in limited circumstances. If you cannot pay the required fee to request deferred action, you may submit a letter along with certain supporting documents, to establish your eligibility to receive a fee waiver.

• You may be granted a if you are below age 18 and if you are homeless or lacking parental support. • If you are physically disabled or if you suffer from prolonged disability, unable to take care of yourself, you may request a fee waiver. • You may be granted a waiver, if you had accumulated more than $25,000 in debt and if the debt was due to unreimbursed medical expenses that was made for yourself or your immediate family member.

In all the above three cases, to become eligible for a fee waiver, your income must be lesser than 150% of the US poverty level. Remember that you must not file Form I-821D, without a fee, until your request for a fee waiver is adjudicated by the USCIS. Form I-821D, Form I-765 and Form I-765WS, will be rejected if you file them without a fee and if no record is found that a waiver is granted.

To request fee waiver, you must send a letter to the USCIS, explaining the reason for which you are requesting fee waiver. You must provide the required documentation to support your request. Sign the letter and mail it to a USCIS lockbox.

Once the USCIS receives your letter, the USCIS officers will review your letter and your documents to determine your eligibility. Additional documents if required must be provided and an approval or a denial letter letter will be mailed to you after a decision is made.

To establish your eligibility, you may submit the required documents based on your category. If you are below age 18 and if you are homeless, you may submit copies of your birth certificate along with a letter from an agency, stating that you are in foster care.

You may submit copies of your medical records if you suffer from a chronic disability. If you had accumulated debts within the past 12 months, you may submit copies of unreimbursed medical bills or other records of $25,000 or more.

If your request for a fee waiver is approved by the USCIS and if you receive an approval letter, you must attach a copy of that letter to the package containing Form I-821D, Form I-765 and Form I-765WS and mail it to a USCIS lockbox facility. If your request is not accepted by the USCIS, you may choose to file your application with the required fee or resubmit a fee exemption request with additional documents.

Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   How to Select a Good Immigration Attorney?   Finding The Right Immigration Attorney   Do We Allow Free-Speech In Another Country Of An Individual Applying for Citizenship Here?   In Plain English: What Did The United States Supreme Court Do In The Arizona Immigration Case?   

J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award for Pau Gasol

Los Angeles Lakers forward Pau Gasol won National Basketball Association's Walter Citizenship Award. Gasol came across important crossroad where decided to pursue professional basketball or career in medical. His charity work with UNICEF and children's hospital, his family is from medical back ground (Spanish).   What is Citizenship Award?   Being a good citizen is not given importance while you study in school or college. As a citizen responsibility is to exhibit good citizenship skills, productive to the country and caring for the society. Citizens respect others, respect others and also they respect the environment.   National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) together administer the American Citizenship Award.   This award is an attractive lapel pin that is presented to any student in elementary, middle, high school, special events or recognition banquets. This will help inspire enthusiastic school spirit, strengthen self-esteem, building responsible and knowledgeable citizens and also volunteerism.   There is not certain rule or regulation that who should get American Citizenship Award

- Services in school or community - Positive attitude toward classmates, school and community - Understanding civic responsibility - Strengthening the character to do what is right.   ''It's a great honor for any player to receive,'' Gasol said. ''It should be an honor for any player to have the opportunity to give back and to make the community better, be a role model to all the other kids and people. I think it's very important when you have that opportunity, you take advantage of it. You maximize it.'' Over past seven years Gasol has travelled with UNICEF to raise awareness on health care for children, program related to nutrition and also education.   Gasol's father was medical administrator and his mother was physician. Pau was born in Barcelona; he took pre-med program as a teenager, but gave up his studies when his basketball career took off.   Gasol said. ''To me, that's above and beyond basketball. Obviously, basketball has allowed me to have these opportunities, and that's why I feel so fortunate, but to me it's much stronger, much more powerful than the basketball game.''   Pau has released an iBook about benefiting UNICEF in three different languages. He also is planning for another project with UNICEF once he finishes London Olympics.   Last year it was another Los Angeles Lakers player Ron Artest to win J. Walter Kennedy. He got this award for his work in mental health awareness, now he is known as Metta World Peace.

Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   How to Select a Good Immigration Attorney?   Finding The Right Immigration Attorney   Do We Allow Free-Speech In Another Country Of An Individual Applying for Citizenship Here?   

How to Legally Move to Canada

Among the developed nations, Canada attracts maximum visitors across the atlas. Canada has one of the largest spread of land area and abundant natural resources. Canada is technologically advanced and has a huge service industry blooming with great employment prospects.

Canada is one of the most favored places for immigration as it offers equal opportunity for all, best remuneration, good quality of life, best healthcare facilities, multicultural society and ample employment opportunities.

There are basically two types of visa issued by Citizenship and Immigration department of Canada:

Temporary visa covers visas for visiting, student, work, care taker and spouse. Permanent visa covers visas for investor and business immigrants, skilled professionals and family class.

Both these categories have their own qualification criteria and selection procedures. Some of the basic requirements are clean police record, experience, education, age and language. There are additional specific requirement also which depends on the category applied for and the program.

Temporary Visa

Visitor's visa is for a duration of six months; it can be extended subject to approval by Citizenship and Immigration department of Canada. Every year 30 million people visit Canada in the form of tourist, students, temporary workers to avail all the opportunities offered by the country. Every year 95000 students from all over the world come to Canada to study. The best part of the student visa is that you are allowed to work in campus. Temporary work permit is issued only when you have a job in hand, the employer has to take approval from Human Resources and Skill development, Canada.

Permanent Visa

Under business immigration program Citizenship and Immigration department of Canada is inviting entrepreneurs, self-employed and investors across the globe to invest and live in Canada. Under the qualification criteria business immigrants should invest CAD $800000 and should meet some experience and possess certain net worth.

Family visa program aims at uniting the entire family together. Under this program a permanent resident can sponsor his family to live and settle in the country. There are certain clauses under which only family member and not all relatives can be invited.

Federal skilled worker program, Canada is attracting skilled labor across the world in various fields by giving good remuneration, food quality life, free education etc. Citizenship and Immigration department of Canada has published a list of 29 occupations for which they are inviting applications from professionals across the globe. Family visa is for a period of five years under which the immigrant has an option to apply for citizenship and can settle with family after 3 years.

There are other visa programs for Canada immigration like conventional refugees, live-in care giver and spouse visa.

Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   How to Select a Good Immigration Attorney?   Finding The Right Immigration Attorney   Do We Allow Free-Speech In Another Country Of An Individual Applying for Citizenship Here?   In Plain English: What Did The United States Supreme Court Do In The Arizona Immigration Case?   

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